Welcome to Support

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Quo summo veniam timeam te, an mollis utamur tacimates eos. Te sit ipsum fastidii contentiones, mea possim fastidii ea. Sea ut aliquid saperet utroque, mucius reprimique signiferumque eos ad.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does LikeNow Make Money?

We Don't.

Are there background checks?

We believe in the power of the people. We think that nothing compares to consistent positive reviews from our community.

What if I'm not happy with my service?

We'll step in and make sure you're not paying for something you're not happy with.

What if I don't get paid?

We ban buyers from our platform who don't pay, and we'll pay you out of our own pocket.

What if I can't find what I want?

If you can't find what you want, tell us, and we'll find it. We have a host of people in your area with diverse skillsets and offerings.

How do I pay? How do I get paid?

Our service providers accept all major payment platforms.

What if LikeNow is not available in my area yet?

We're expanding fast. If you'd like to help, contact us at help@likenow.app.

What if no one's available?

We understand that's problem. We're a small startup working as hard as we can, and if you need help we're going to do everything in our power to connect you. Please contact us at help@likenow.app and a real person will write back in 24 hours or less.

What if I have a problem?

Chat with our CEO within the app. That's how we roll.

Can I talk to a human with my human voice?

Yes, hit up staff in the app and we'll give you a number to call.